AI & machine learning | From M&E to impact Ridge Arena Workshop
Mar 21, 2024 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM(Africa/Accra)
20240321T0900 20240321T1600 Africa/Accra Generative AI: How might it help or harm development and MERL efforts?

The Natural Language Processing Community of Practice has been exploring NLP and AI in MERL for the past year. At this workshop, we will share insights and practical examples of Gen AI for MERL and development programming and explore potential risks.

Ridge Arena 12th ICT4D Conference
63 attendees saved this session

The Natural Language Processing Community of Practice has been exploring NLP and AI in MERL for the past year. At this workshop, we will share insights and practical examples of Gen AI for MERL and development programming and explore potential risks.

We will organize a day-long workshop along the lines of 1) a discussion on the use (and misuse) of AI, which will be as diverse as possible, 2) a set of hands-on sessions where people can interact with code/ChatGPT/other AI models directly, ideally learning how to deploy these approaches , and 3) an open forum session where discussions on AI benefits and downsides can flow more freely. These sessions will build on each other. The workshop structure allows us to 1) set the tone of the day 2) allow participants to 'get their hands dirty' and 3) create a space for reflections at the end of the day. We'll cover both programmatic use cases and monitoring, evaluation, research and learning (MERL) uses.
This is an emerging space, but we will bring in lessons learned via the NLP-CoP over the past year. Participants will leave the workshop with concrete ideas on how to use Gen AI in their work; how it will impact development programming and MERL; the biases, risks and ethical dilemmas to look out for; and possible ways to mitigate risks.
Participants will leave the workshop with a better understanding of the role of Gen AI and how it can support and potentially hinder development and MERL. We aim for participants to be more able to influence their organizations on good practices.
Moderately technical
Data Innovation Lead
Oxford Policy Management
The MERL Tech Initiative
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 Bishara Shwaihat
Database Administrator
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