Data governance & management Britannia Workshop
Mar 21, 2024 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM(Africa/Accra)
20240321T0900 20240321T1300 Africa/Accra Maximizing Insights: Navigating and Managing Data Lifecycle

The strategic utilization of data is integral to both humanitarian and development contexts, providing transformative, data-informed insights that shape effective strategies and interventions. In this current data management landscape, organizations face challenges such as rapidly growing data volumes, ensuring data privacy and security in compliance with evolving regulations, integrating diverse data sources, and harnessing advanced technologies like AI and cloud computing. Organizations also need to ensure they are navigating the trend towards data democratization and real-time analytics, while ensuring that its handling respects individual rights and societal values and avoids harm or bias. This is critically important in humanitarian and development context – making the most of the data that is collected and using data for improved outcomes, all the while ensuring data practices do no harm. 

In this workshop, we will explore the data-centric universe, designed to provide an in-depth grasp of various data methodologies crucial for extracting actionable insights and making informed decisions. 

The workshop will be interactive, featuring hands-on exercises, real-life case studies, and expert-led discussions. Participants will gain practical insights on how to manage the data lifecycle effectively in their organization. This workshop is tailored for MEAL and Programming teams working with data, data governance teams, data scientists, data analysts, IT professionals, and anyone interested in gaining a deeper insight into data management strategies for development and humanitarian organizations. 

Key highlights of the workshop include: 

Data Governance: Explore frameworks and strategies for effective data governan ...

Britannia 12th ICT4D Conference
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The strategic utilization of data is integral to both humanitarian and development contexts, providing transformative, data-informed insights that shape effective strategies and interventions. In this current data management landscape, organizations face challenges such as rapidly growing data volumes, ensuring data privacy and security in compliance with evolving regulations, integrating diverse data sources, and harnessing advanced technologies like AI and cloud computing. Organizations also need to ensure they are navigating the trend towards data democratization and real-time analytics, while ensuring that its handling respects individual rights and societal values and avoids harm or bias. This is critically important in humanitarian and development context – making the most of the data that is collected and using data for improved outcomes, all the while ensuring data practices do no harm. 

In this workshop, we will explore the data-centric universe, designed to provide an in-depth grasp of various data methodologies crucial for extracting actionable insights and making informed decisions. 

The workshop will be interactive, featuring hands-on exercises, real-life case studies, and expert-led discussions. Participants will gain practical insights on how to manage the data lifecycle effectively in their organization. This workshop is tailored for MEAL and Programming teams working with data, data governance teams, data scientists, data analysts, IT professionals, and anyone interested in gaining a deeper insight into data management strategies for development and humanitarian organizations. 

Key highlights of the workshop include: 

  1. Data Governance: Explore frameworks and strategies for effective data governance, focusing on policy development, data accuracy, accessibility, consistency, security, and ethical considerations.  

  1. Data Quality and Integrity: Learn about high-quality data's importance, with techniques for validation, verification, and cleansing, highlighting its impact on decision-making and analysis. 

  1. Data Observability: Understand data observability's role in the data lifecycle, including monitoring data health, lineage tracking, and anomaly detection. 

  1. Data Preparation: Gain insights into preparing data for analysis, offering practical techniques and real-world examples for effective data handling. 

  1. Data Security and Privacy: Explore strategies for data protection against unauthorized access and breaches, focusing on best practices for data privacy and security. 

By the workshop's conclusion, participants will possess a comprehensive understanding of the data lifecycle, empowering them to make informed decisions, drive innovation, and unlock the full potential of data assets within their organizations. 

Join Element22, a leading consulting and solutions provider committed to modernizing data, data management and analytics in this engaging and insightful workshop to transform your approach to data management strategies and to become proficient in the vital aspects of the data lifecycle. 

Director, Global Data Architecture
Catholic Relief Services
Senior Technical Advisor
Catholic Relief Services
Mr. Armand Bambara
Sr. Mgr. Digital Health
Living Goods
 Maftuna  Sola
Senior Business Analyst
WWF International
Data Collection Lead
Norwegian Refugee Council
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